Enrollment is OPEN!
Class Dates: All classes start the first week of September 2024 and run through the following August 2025. Classes are auto billed on a monthly basis, on the 1st of every month. For more information, please see our Tuition Policies page: www.cogymnastics.com/tuition-policies.html
This is an invite-only level where skills and consistency will be taken more seriously as to prepare for our competitive team one day. PreTeam meets 2 days/week. We will be continuing working on the basics of tumbling, with our round-offs, back handsprings, and front handsprings, along with sharpening up our floor skills already learned like our cartwheels, handstands, and back walkovers. On vault, students continue working on the front handspring vault and on bars we begin putting together our bar skills and moving onto kips and undershoots. Students will begin focusing more on correct form and consistency of skills. PreTeam is a prerequisite for our competitive team.
This level is designed for gymnasts who have progressed beyond our Advanced level but may not be quite ready for the commitment of our PreTeam program or may not have aspirations of being on our competitive team, but still want to continue their recreational gymnastics journey. Masters athletes must display higher level skills and the focus necessary to be successful in a more rigorous gymnastics environment. They will be held to the same standard as our PreTeam athletes but will only be expected to practice 1 day/week. Masters is not considered a feeder program for our competitive team. Students may transfer from Masters in to PreTeam whenever they would like (pending class space availability).